Hollywood Confessions

Sunday, July 31, 2005

HSG 2.0

I'm thinking either the 11th or the 18th for the second shindig. It'll be at my place. My apartment is smaller, and I don't have as many fun toys as Jamie. But I think it could be some fun regardless.

If you guys have some input as to which day is better for you, speak up. Otherwise I will prolly just let Schaef pick.

Friday, July 29, 2005


so bob heid is coming in tomorrow, and guess who is working... yeah its me. it sucks, because you actually have to talk to the customers more than is truly needed. all i know is that i hate it when people talk to me when i am trying to shop. i just want them to leave me alone. now i get to be the people i hate. awesome

Monday, July 25, 2005


this post is to see if anyone (mostly branden and schaef) wants to go to the convention, its on the 4th-7th , i would go on any of those days, here is info lots of cool shit there plus exclusives and the awesome $1 comics. anyone wanting to go, let me know because Greg cant make it this year so as of right now, im going to be missing it and that sucks.

later people


I shall be there in a week, ill arrive on the 1st of august and am staying until around the 25th. get the full story here

later bitches

Thursday, July 21, 2005

I'm not as think as you drunk I am.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A drink Yoda wants. Become upset he has.

1 DAY!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Seriously, what's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?

That's right,


Monday, July 18, 2005

Feeling a little parched here.

Hesh says:



howdy kipp!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hmm, I'm kind of thirsty.




hey dudes and dude-etts

since i am the alcohol getter for the shindig on thursday, i was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on what you wanted to drink, or what... otherwise you will have to suffer the consequences of what i drink... muahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005


...so I made a blog kinda, it has multiple pages, just go to the links on the side. so you should check it out, and invite others too, it'll be good times.


hey greg buddy, i only can go to the convention on sunday. i need to know if that works or what, im wondering who else in going too. $1 comics is hard to pass up. it looks like i might be in town from the 2nd of august until the 18th so i plan on seeing some of you bums (seeing is pretty much it cause ill be broke, as in no money :( . later guys

Friday, July 15, 2005

Congrats to Nick on 5 wicked awesome years of sincere guest service delivered with great warmth...

...you got your watch dude.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

On the verge of suicide ):

Long story short, my I pod is now empty. 2,000 songs goodbye. I am so sad, it's going to take forever to get all those songs back on there. Not to mention some are going to be really hard to find again. I miss my music already, we were such good friends, why'd they have to leave me):

Monday, July 11, 2005

July 21st - The Day Donovan Cried

Well, our first Hollywood Social Gathering with the new crew is set for Thursday, July 21st.

According to the schedule Schaef blacksmithed up today, Donovan is the unlucky closer. Sorry Donnie, I hope to see ya stop on by after work. (Psst, don't let Schaef follow you.)

I believe Jamie will be hosting this month's event. She hopes to aquire a Ping Pong table by then. And, god willing, maybe she'll get an Air Hockey table someday.

Naomi will be in charge of drinks. I'll be giving her some money, and anyone else can feel free to pitch in as well. The more money, the more stinko we can get.

I can't wait!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

i just wanted to say...

hey donovan!!!!
and also, just for you....

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Nick's comics

New Avengers #6
House of M #1,2,3
HoM Fantastic 4 #1
Rouge #11,12
X-Men The End #4
X 23 #6
Marvel Team-Up #9,10
Beta Ray Bill #5,6
Young Avengers #5
Wolverine #29
Soultaker #4,5
17 comics=$51-$80=$29 left

Monday, July 04, 2005

New Blood

Donovan is finally hooked up on the blog, and I will prolly get the others on here eventually.

Say hello to the nice people Donovan.

Oh, and stop being late.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Can't wait for X3...

Further proof that Brett Ratner is evil: Rumor has it he's writing an "unbelievably hot and sexy hooker" into the script, whose mutant superpower is "secreting a pheromone that helps her to seduce men." A mutant hooker? You'll have to excuse us — we'll be in the corner sobbing quietly.

That was taken from movies.com and if true, yack! Isn't there enough characters to choose from without making up some lame ass hooker mutant.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Obviously not invited

I honestly would love to help you out in that department, but I have just cranked-up the overtime....Getting up at 4:00 in the morning, punching in at 5:00 and work 11 hours...I am not whinning. just stating the facts....

Not to mention the fact that I obviously am not invited to said gathering...shows where I rank I guess....

August maybe but not at the moment.

so yeah....

yesterday, a woman came in to pay a late fine on her movie. and instead of just leaving, she decided to tell me about politics. she told me about how the bush family does cocaine, and they are spending all our money on iraq. then she decides to quote from a bunch of different books, and starts telling me about michael moore, and how her son is looking stuff up online about how the army is brainwashed. then she goes on to tell me that there is a conspiracy that the government is going to unleash a smallpox plague on us and have us all die. then she tells me that the kids now adays arent protesting enough, and she used to be wild. but as she is talking to me, she whips out a bottle of eyedrops and starts putting them in her eyes!!! what the fuck??? and donovan was around, and i kept looking at him with annoyed eyes, trying to make the lady stop talking to me. but there was nothing we could do... and the store was dead, so she kept on blabbering to me. but the funniest part about the whole thing is that she had bright pink lipstick on her teeth the entire time!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!